Welcome to Transportation
Tallapoosa County bus system services
- Dadeville Elementary & High School
- Reeltown Elementary & High School
- Horseshoe Bend School
- Edward Bell Career Tech School
We have 47 routes. Buses travel Monday-Friday, some starting as early as 6:00 AM. We have a transportation supervisor, a secretary, 2 mechanics, and a route manager. All transportation forms are available at each school. Our bus system transports approximately 1048 students daily.
If you are interested in a bus route or substituting, the following
must be done.1. Obtain a learner’s permit from the state trooper post in Opelika.
2. Bring a copy of your permit and social security card to bus shop.
3. Register at (ALSDE) with an AIM account if you are not
already employed with Tallapoosa County.
4. Get a background check, physical, drug screen
5. Train for 15 hours with the bus shop trainer
6. Train three days with the state trainer
Jimmy Haddox
Transportation SupervisorPhone: 256-373-2003
Email: jimmy.haddox@tallapoosak12.org
Amy Jones
Transportation SecretaryPhone: 256-373-2003
Email: amy.jones@tallapoosak12.org