- Dadeville Elementary School
- The Process
With a Class...
When entering with your class, come in quietly and have a seat at the tables. Wait for further instructions.
When entering alone, please bring your AR Folder to the Media Specialist or a library aide so that we can direct you to your reading level selection. If you are older and know your way around, feel free to check in your book and go find another adventure!
Checking OUT books...
1. Ensure that the book is on your level and of your interest!
2. Only 1 book at a time.
3. Stand in line patiently and quietly.
4. Follow book rules!
5. Return it to the library...
Checking IN books...
1. Upon entering, IMMEDIATELY go to the check-in station.
2. Scan your book.
3. Place your book in the book return bin.
4. Let someone know that you have just scanned a book.
Punch Rewards The focus this year for the Media Center will be comprehension. Students will receive punch cards, and for every 100% that you score, you will get a punch. Fill up your cards for a gift each 9 weeks or fill up 3 or more to attend the BIG CELEBRATION at the end of the year! Other prizes include: Top 3 Goal Getters, Point Passes, Field Trips, Lunch in the Library, Reading Rainbow, etc.
Point Awards DES is working to get back to reading, as Covid definitely took its toll last year. This will mainly be handled in classrooms, however, for students who are reaching/exceeding their point goal through AR, they will be offered many awards and incentives. Including, but not limited to: Pizza with the Principal, Mondays with the Media Specialist, Sundays with a School Teacher, Rides in local first-responder vehicles, and so much more!